Experience the Freedom of Retirement Living

Welcome to Kettle Park Senior Living.

Our community is all about you. Everything we do, from our dynamic programming to our accessibly designed apartment homes, puts your needs first. Kettle Park puts the power of choice back in your hands.

Find a Lifestyle That Fits

With putting greens, a theatre, gardening beds, an outdoor patio, and so much more, there’s lots to do at Kettle Park Senior Living. Our team takes care of chores like housekeeping and laundry, so you finally have the time to live the lifestyle you deserve.

Why Choose Kettle Park?

Kettle Park’s event calendar is built to satisfy your every need. We offer a range of fun activities, and we are never afraid to try something new based on your feedback. You can enjoy as many outings and events as you like.

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At Kettle Park Senior Living, our goal is to empower your independence. That is why our residents can customize their level of care. Our staff is always available if you need us, but we’re never in your way.

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Our community is equipped with advanced technology to keep you safe and healthy. From air purification to medical-grade surface protectants, we take the necessary steps to protect you from illness and pollutants.

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Discover Kettle Park Senior Living

Visit Our Community

We would love to show what makes our community so wonderful. You can find us at the very end of Jackson Street, just past the ALDI.

Email Us

Our Address

2600 Jackson Street,
Stoughton, WI 53589

Call Us Today

Phone: 608-579-5601

Business Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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