Our Welcoming Community at Kettle Park in Stoughton

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Live a Life of Convenience & Comfort

Kettle Park is a vibrant senior living community designed to meet and address your every need. With highly-trained, compassionate staff, you can feel completely at home when you’re with us.

Kettle Park provides a robust menu of services to ensure every resident’s unique needs are fully met. You can enjoy elegant indoor and outdoor spaces, exciting community-led events, and take full advantage of the state-of-the-art amenities.

With several levels of care, including assisted living, memory care, and independent living, Kettle Park can provide for you with a focus on your comfort and happiness.

A Little Bit About Us

Kettle Park is a proud member of Lifespark Senior Living, with communities located across the United States! Lifespark Senior Living was founded in 1989, beginning as a group of 5 skilled nursing centers around the Midwest. Since then, we’ve continued to grow to over 40 communities all over the country!

Kettle Park puts a strong focus on the needs of the individual. As a member of the Lifespark communities, Kettle Park uses the 7 Dimensions of Wellness as guiding principles when developing and implementing programs for each resident.

We want to enhance the lives of our residents through a high standard of care and genuine compassion.

Our Mission

Spark Lives and Empower Seniors to Age Magnificently

Our Commitments to You

Respect Everyone For Who They Are & Who They May Become

At Kettle Park, we’re committed to maintaining a positive attitude in all aspects of daily life. We take the time to get to know each resident personally, so you can always expect to be greeted by name and with a smile. Our biggest goal is to ensure all members of our community are treated with courtesy, dignity, and respect.

The individuality of every person in our community is paramount. We acknowledge uniqueness by ensuring there is a wide variety of choices to suit a diverse population. We address every need with a sense of urgency and strive to anticipate those needs whenever possible.

As a community, we must continually improve and grow so we can accommodate a variety of needs. We only make promises we can keep, apologize when necessary, and never give excuses. We work diligently to resolve concerns and always act as a part of the team.

Why Choose Kettle Park?

Kettle Park’s event calendar is built to satisfy your every need. We offer a range of fun activities, and we are never afraid to try something new based on your feedback. You can enjoy as many outings and events as you like.

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At Kettle Park Senior Living, our goal is to empower your independence. That is why our residents can customize their level of care. Our staff is always available if you need us, but we’re never in your way.

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Our community is equipped with advanced technology to keep you safe and healthy. From air purification to medical-grade surface protectants, we take the necessary steps to protect you from illness and pollutants.

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Discover Kettle Park Senior Living

Visit Our Community

We would love to show what makes our community so wonderful. You can find us at the very end of Jackson Street, just past the ALDI.

Email Us

Our Address

2600 Jackson Street,
Stoughton, WI 53589

Call Us Today

Phone: 608-579-5601

Business Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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